After a few weekends delayed by weather, Neil Gatward (left) was sent solo on Sunday by our CFI, Mike Black. Congratulations Neil! Onwards and upwards!
Photo Ross Borland
Some great photos from John Campbell, flying in R1 today with Ellen out on our Dallas ridge. Some weak wave around that gave them nearly an hour of late autumn soaring.
The crew making great progress with laying the Perfo reinforcement at the west end, extending runway 08 by around 70 solid metres. Well done to the crew who turned up today to get this job done. We now have a 70 metre run extending what was a fairly solid 08 grass runway.
After the flood. It's taken a while, but the joiners and painters are now done with the major repairs following the burst pipe earlier in the year. Now Toni has performed her magic on the interior and we have a clubhouse fit for the next several years. Really looking forward to times when we can get back to being sociable, as well as offering some fantastic flying!