Trophy Presentations for 2001
Henry Dyce Trophy – Club Ladder
2001 was not a good year, partly due to Foot and Mouth. Although tempted to give this cup to a Fulmar member, as they did more cross country than Highland, it was not difficult to come up with a winner:
Phil Penrose
Tait Quaich – Max Height
Jim Tait and Anne Burgess went to 13,500 ft in the White Bocian
Mosquito Cup – Duration in a glider
Martin Knight for 3 hrs 16 mins in Angie’s Astir
Alastair Raffan Trophy – Most Meritorious Flight
Roy Scothern for just over 5 hrs squeezed into the K8 cockpit and he still didn’t make it back!
CFI’s Shield - The Most Outstanding Member (as judged by the CFI)
Phil Penrose for his tireless work with the Inter Club League, new hangar and clubhouse.
Monkey - The Most Coveted Trophy Of All (NOT)
Monkey points are a fun way to learn lessons from silly incidents.
Gaining monkey points is usually a sign that the person is one of the clubs hardest workers so it is no crime!
After detailing a long list of "crimes", Robert awarded the trophy to himself for driving the bus into deepest bog on site on the longest day. Only Martin Green’s 4WD tractor managed to extricate it!
The complete list of crimes is available from the webmaster, CFI or secretary for a small fee. CASH ONLY, NO CHEQUES OR CREDIT CARDS.