Inter Club League

Aboyne - 4th to 6th May 2002


Saturday's weather was horrible. It overconvected first thing and started showering all around. Only one person managed to do anything and it was Mark Brown. He flew 20 km down track and managed to return. However, nobody else managed to do anything and the day did not count towards the competition. Sunday turned out to be one of the days of the year. Roy Dalling was so confident of how good that he set the same 310 km task for both intermediate and pundit classes. The only difference was the intermediates launched 40 minutes earlier. The task was Loch Kinord (Remote start) - Dalwhinnie - Rhynie - Feshiebridge - Aboyne. As you can see, it took us over the Cairngorm plateau 4 times in one flight!!! The views were spectacular and so were the thermals. 6000' cloudbase and 6 - 8 knots everywhere. It was a bit sticky around Rhynie in the sea breeze and later on sea air got as far as Braemar making the last leg harder. 9 people got round the task including Andy in 767 (Hors Concours) and Mark Brown. Mark can claim his 300k but unfortunately for Andy, his GPS was not communicating properly. The novice class had 169km to do from Loch Kinord - Grantown - Kingussie - Tomintoul - Aboyne. Only one person got round as I believe Grantown was somewhat in the blue. Roger did very well though turning Grantown and Kingussie before landing out at Feshie to come second I believe. Well done Roger. Monday was blue and very flat. Nobody even managed to stay up and most people had left by 3 o clock. However, Guy Davidson took a launch, managed to climb up and set off on task. Guy managed to land 0.73km past Y meaning he won the day. This puts Fulmar in first place now and among Fulmar members warrants him hero status! Well done Guy. It was a well deserved win.

The placings at the end of the meeting are:

1st: Fulmar
2nd: Cairngorm (Feshie) and SGU (Portmoak)
3rd: Deeside (Aboyne)
4th: Highland (Easterton)
5th: Borders (Milfield)

Highland Gliding Club
Easterton Airfield
United Kingdom

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